Love is cute when it’s new, but love is most beautiful when it last.

Love is master key that is capable of opening a gate of happiness.

Most emotional moment in a boys life, When a girl says, Can you give me your number.

Love is not what you can receive, it’s all about what you can give.

I will be yours, you will be mine and together we will be one love.

I kept my heart strong like Iron but, I didn’t know that your heart is a magnet.

my worst enemy is my heart because it is mine, but beats for you only.

There are million things in the world I want, but all I need is you.

Love is like war: easy to begin but very hard to stop.

When you fall for someone’s personality, everything about them becomes beautiful.

At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.
True Love Quotes

I need your love. I need your time. When everything’s wrong, you make it right.

Everybody deserves somebody who makes them look forward to tomorrow.

Loved you yesterday, love you still, always have, always will.

Wait for the person who will do anything to be your everything.

I don’t care when you disturb me, but I get disturbed when you don’t disturb me.

Just seeing your smile makes me feel better inside.

The bridge between happiness and our soul is forged with love.

Every time my phone vibrates, I hope its you

Be mine, i ll keep you forever

My real smile comes out when I am with you